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“We can clearly see God at work” – messages from secret believers in Afghanistan

“We can clearly see God at work” – messages from secret believers in Afghanistan

You might recall Medina, Hila and Dina from Afghanistan, whose stories were shared during our recent secret believers campaign. Each of them lost their husband for being a Christian. In this update, they talk about how, despite life under the Taliban worsening, they’re standing strong in their faith and seeing God move in extraordinary ways. Their names have been changed for security reasons.

Has anything changed since you shared your story with us?

Medina: Yes, a lot. I’ve been able to share the word of God with three of our female neighbours, and I will continue sharing my faith with two of our relatives. The situation in Afghanistan has worsened considerably. With each passing day, the Taliban is making life increasingly difficult for people. Economic problems have surged, leaving many without basic necessities, like bread. Women, especially, are enduring incredibly harsh conditions.

In the past few months, we have prayed fervently for the state of our country and its people, asking God to include them in His kingdom. Despite the challenges, there is a silver lining: some people are growing weary of Islam and turning to Christ; in Him, they find love, faith and comfort, and are able to feel at peace despite their hardships.

Hila: Yes, many positive changes have happened in my life. I have been able to share the gospel with other women, which has been such a blessing, not only for them but for me as well. It has given me a greater sense of purpose and a deep connection with those I’ve been able to reach. Through these conversations, I’ve seen lives transformed and faith ignited in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

My own faith has also deepened as I’ve spent more time in prayer, studying Scripture, and witnessing the power of God in the lives of others. This growth has helped me become more confident in my spiritual journey and has inspired me to keep moving forward in faith. Discipling others has been one of the most rewarding experiences, as I’ve had the privilege to walk alongside new believers, encouraging them and seeing their faith take root and flourish.

My personal life has also been enriched. I’ve built new, meaningful relationships with those I’ve shared the gospel with, creating a strong community of faith around me. Both my natural and spiritual life have become much stronger, and I feel more grounded, empowered and fulfilled in every aspect of my journey. This season of growth has truly been transformative, and I am excited for what lies ahead.

Dina: Yes, there have been significant changes. After sharing my story, I had the opportunity to engage in conversations with many women about my faith. My hope has grown, and I have gained a deeper sense of connection, realising that all believers are part of the same spiritual family, sharing in one another’s joys, sorrows and spiritual journeys. I have become spiritually stronger, knowing that my brothers and sisters in faith are standing with me.

How have the new laws, especially those imposed on women, affected you?

Medina: When the Taliban took over, there was widespread fear. Over time, many people have become accustomed to their rule, but some remain deeply afraid and under stress. However, those who have faith in Christ are fighting for their beliefs and maintaining a sense of peace.

Hila: The government is extremely oppressive, silencing anyone who dares raise their voice. Those who oppose the regime risk imprisonment or death. The impact of these laws is felt across society, stripping people of their happiness. Even men are not allowed to shave their beards, and women cannot leave their homes without the escort of a male relative.

Dina: Under the Taliban’s rule, women face severe oppression, meaning most cannot react openly to these laws. Many women suffer from mental and emotional distress, such as the inability to leave their homes without a male guardian and facing challenges when gathering in groups. Despite these difficulties, I remain resilient. I will follow the path of Christ, no matter the circumstances. Christ went to the cross for us, and I am ready to sacrifice my life for His cause.

How are you doing spiritually?

Hila: We constantly feel God’s presence and authority in our lives. Despite the difficult circumstances, we are empowered by our faith to serve God. For instance, after becoming a believer, one of our sisters realised that eternal life is found in Christ alone. Since then, she has become a more loving and kinder person, radiating peace to others.

Dina: Spiritually, we are doing better compared to other, non-believing women, because our hope is anchored in Jesus. We are making strong efforts to nurture our spiritual lives. We can clearly see God at work. For instance, the number of believers has grown, and many testify that it is the Holy Spirit actively working in the hearts of many people. Believing women find strength and peace in their faith, while many non-believing women struggle with deep emotional and mental burdens, leading some to extreme despair.

Are you still seeing people come to know Jesus?

Medina: Yes, we see people are turning away from Islam, particularly because of the Taliban’s oppression. The restrictions on women and the general harassment of people have made some seek refuge in Christ.

Hila: We continue to pray that God will bless others and touch their hearts. Our prayers have been answered, as people have indeed come to faith and become believers.

Dina: Yes, as more laws are enforced against women, we see some have grown weary of Islam and are turning to Christ. We are continually working to build relationships with non-believing women, sharing the message of eternal life, and guiding them towards faith in Christ.

How can we pray?

Medina: Please pray for our ongoing work in serving Christ. Pray for our spiritual growth and for blessings upon our efforts to share the gospel. Lastly, we would appreciate prayers for our economic situation, as many believers are unemployed.

Hila: Please pray for peace in our country, for our economy to stabilise, and for the continued growth of our spiritual work. Pray for the safety of all our brothers and sisters in this precarious situation and for healing for those who are sick.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to all our fellow believers around the world who support us through various types of resources. Your partnership is deeply appreciated.

Dina: Please pray for the non-believing women, that they may come to believe in Christ, and for the continued growth of our community of believing sisters across Afghanistan. Additionally, we ask for prayers to lift the oppressive laws burdening Afghan women and girls, that they may be freed from this tyranny.

Finally, I offer my heartfelt thanks to all the brothers and sisters who stand with us in every circumstance, supporting us through their prayers and partnership. I urge all brothers and sisters to continue praying for Afghanistan, for the lives and families of their Afghan brothers and sisters. Particularly, I ask for prayers for widows and orphans, and that they will have enough food and winter provisions to see them through the cold months ahead

Photo and source Open  Doors
