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One Thousand Gifts Text

One Thousand Gifts Text

One Thousand Gifts Group Bible Study by Ann Voskamp. One Thousand Gifts Group Bible Study by Ann Voskamp.

DVD and Study Guide available here: - - -

One Thousand Gifts Group Bible Study by Ann Voskamp. One Thousand Gifts Group Bible Study by Ann Voskamp.

Begin to find joy in what really matters.

"How do we find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties?" New York Times bestselling author Ann Voskamp wondered. When your days are filled with the mundane, disappointment, or even darkness, how can you break the bondage of self-hatred and fear that has white-knuckle control on your life and instead embrace the everyday blessings that will immerse you in Christ's fullness? How can you live your life with a heart overflowing with delight?

In this five-session, video-based Bible study, Ann encourages participants to take on the life-changing discipline of journaling God's gifts - to really look at life and find the good in it. It's only in this expressing of gratitude for the life we already have that we discover the life we've always wanted...a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. And only then can we know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved - by God.

Embark on this personal, honest, and fresh exploration of what it means to be deeply fulfilled, wholly happy, and finally fully alive.

The DVD includes five 18-20 minute video teaching sessions for Ann Voskamp from her farm in Ontario, and the study guide includes video notes, discussion questions and Bible study, between-session activities, and journaling space that will all help you to further explore the topics Ann discusses in the video teaching.

Session titles include:
1. Attitude of Gratitude
2. Grace in the Moment
3. All is Grace
4. Trust: The Bridge to Joy
5. Empty to Fill

Ann Voskamp is a farmer's wife, the home-educating mama to a half-dozen exuberant kids, and the author of the New York Times bestseller One Thousand Gifts. A columnist with DaySpring, a contributing editor to Laity Lodge's The High Calling, and a writer of articles featured in WORLD Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Christianity Today, Ann partners with Compassion International as a global advocate for needy children. Ann can be found writing about messy grace and a magnificent God at her daily online journal:

Visit Anne's website at:






Text v anglickom jazyku má byť motiváciou pre vás, aby ste sa učili jazyky:0) Jazyky a reči sú  bohatsvom od Boha, majú ho mnohí z nás a dá sa nimi poskytovať dôležitá služba iným. Na preklade do slovenského jazyka sa pracuje. Ostatné články z denníka budú postupne zverejnené na stránke komunity  Radosť a vďačnosť.

Prihláste sa pre pridanie komentára
Vyzerá to zaujímavo. Len keby bol ešte slovenský preklad (pre niektorých z nás) ;-)
Odoslané 28.10.2012 9:21.
Pošlem:0) už ho robím. Chcela by som trocha vyprovokovať hlavne mladších medzi nami: HOVORTE REČI... je toľko materiálu a nikto nemôže prekladať.
Odoslané 28.10.2012 13:25 ako reakcia na Eva Baranovičová.
Samozrejme myslím na tých, ktorí skutočne nemôžu. Preložím postupne čo sa bude dať, aj na Radosť a vďačnosť! Už sa teším. Lebo Ann dáva stále niečo nové a úžasné, myslím, že je to dôležité hlavne pre maminy (je to silné pre všetkých), ako spája svoje denné, nenormálne trable s jej krásne živým vzťahom k Bohu. A už to dáva ďalej, ďalším ženám, a dobro sa šíri, radosť pozerať! Keďže som tvor od prírody zvedavý, musím s tou anglinou pohnúť.
Odoslané 28.10.2012 13:29 ako reakcia na Mária Künzl.