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Christian Women in Egypt Experience Extra Vulnerabilities

Christian Women in Egypt Experience Extra Vulnerabilities

Egyptian Christians, especially those struggling with poverty, frequently experience pressures to convert to Islam from Muslim-majority neighbors. These pressures sometimes come in the form of financial offers, marriage proposals, or even blatant accusations and framing for crimes they did not commit.  

Christian widows or Christian girls whose father has passed away are even more vulnerable to the external pressures to abandon their Christian faith and access the socioeconomic support that comes with converting to Islam. 

One recent case demonstrates this in the life of a Christian widow and her teenage daughter.

After the death of her husband, this brave woman continued to operate their family community grocery market. However, their neighbor’s son began harassing her teenage daughter. When she confronted her neighbor about the matter and respectfully appealed for them not to take advantage of her, the neighbors told her that they should let her daughter marry their son so that she could convert to Islam and be led from the “delusion of their faith to the true religion,” but if she refuses to convert, they have the right to do whatever they wish to her daughter.

Fearful for both her and her daughter’s life, future, and dignity, she was forced to relocate to a new area. 

ICC works to help women like these relocate to safe areas, start new work opportunities, and provide emotional and spiritual support to these women persevering through pressures. 

Source amd photo: International Christian Concern