Surprised by love – how Sister Muthu from Sri Lanka is reaching out to her persecutors

The love of God is powerfully revealed when our persecuted family respond to their persecutors by not just forgiving them, but also by reaching out to them in love. That’s what Sister Muthu and her niece have done in Sri Lanka – and it’s having quite the impact. For years, Sister Muthu* has faced opposition for leading Christian activities in her Buddhist-majority village in Sri Lanka....
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Khada in Afghanistan wants to share her secret story with you

Afghanistan’s Christians have to keep their faith secret. If the Taliban find out, the Christian could be killed – as Khada found out. The last time Khada* saw her husband was an ordinary day – or as ordinary as any day can be in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover in 2021. Afghan citizens face daily restrictions, oppression and danger, and nobody more so than people like Khada...
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Smiles emerge from sadness through presence ministry in China

Often the ministry of Open Doors local partners to our persecuted family involves simply being present to sit, listen and pray with them. It’s what Jinyi from China received – and it had a profound impact. Jinyi* was isolated and distant, hesitant to open up to anyone. Her husband, Jianhong*, was in prison for his faith, leading to severe hardship, including rejection by their...
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Nazir Masih, Christian lynched on false blasphemy charges in Sargodha, dies

The mob that attacked the victim on 25 May also set his home and business on fire. The rest of the family miraculously escaped. Doubts are being raised over the timing of his death, with some believing the government delayed the announcement to avoid international censure. Activists accuse the authorities of knowingly covering for the groups who use the law to kill indiscriminately. ...
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“God will not leave us alone!”: Narendran and Kavita’s story of miracles, persecution and hope in India

“God did many miracles,” shares Narendran*. Those four words are inspiring for anybody to hear – and certainly helped Narendran and his wife Kavita* in their ministry in an Indian village. It helped to have a bedrock of knowing how powerful and kind their God is, as this ministry would come at a great cost. Miracles were how Narendran first came to know Jesus. “I belonged to a...
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“Even if they kill me for my faith, I want to continue serving the Lord” – Hari’s courageous faith in India

Hari has been thrown out of his home, his church has been closed and he’s been arrested under false accusations – but nothing will stop him from following Jesus. When a pastor visited his village in India to tell people about Jesus, Hari* was intrigued by the message he heard – but also warned of the dangers it would bring. He watched as three families from his tribe became...
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Kenyan Man Remained Firm in His Faith Until the End

 In the quiet confines of Widho Village, Mary and her children found themselves thrust into a nightmare on a fateful night in September 2023. Around 2 a.m., al-Shabab stormed their village and shattered the tranquility of their humble residence. “As darkness surrounded our humble house, I found myself sheltered within its walls, my children by my side,” Mary said. “Little did I...
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Five ways you can pray for Iran

As tensions rise in the Middle East after recent events, here are five ways you can hold the church in Iran in your prayers.  Recent events have once again shone a spotlight on the nation of Iran, and their role in the Middle East. For the beleaguered Christians in Iran, their ever more extremist government presents many challenges. So, as we pray about the situation in the Middle...
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President Daniel Ortega’s War on the Catholic Church

In recent years, the Catholic church in Nicaragua has been under assault by President Jose Daniel Ortega’s regime. Before 2018, when pro-democracy protests erupted in Nicaragua, the government recognized clergy members’ freedom of conscience and role as respected religious authorities for most Nicaraguans. In fact, during the protests, President Ortega enlisted the church to mediate between...
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How do Open Doors’ safe houses for North Korean refugees work?

How do Open Doors fieldworkers meet the North Korean refugees who come to their secret safe houses in China? Given the dangers, how do they share the gospel? Find out in this fascinating behind-the-scenes look into one of the safe houses, which includes a letter written to you by a North Korean secret believer. The street is covered in deep darkness and the streetlights, if there are...
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India steps up ‘anti-Christian’ laws in some states to prevent ‘magic healings’ and evangelism

In various states in north east India, local authorities are introducing laws that will ban healing prayers and even Christian symbols in churches and schools. Violence also continues in Manipur and Assam. Please pray for believers in these regions – especially as the Indian elections approach.  When you pray for a friend to be healed, you probably have never worried about being...
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Sisters of Strength: The Stories of Persecuted Women in the Middle East

Where religious and cultural tensions run high, Christian minorities face unique struggles in the heart of the Middle East. Amid these struggles, women bear the burden of being both believers and females in a region where they are often treated as third-class citizens. Yet they find their strength in silence and sometimes isolated from their entire families and communities. The following...
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More than 600 Kidnapped in Nigeria this Week

Terrorist groups kidnapped about 687 people in northern Nigeria this week. On Sunday, March 3, gunmen from the Boko Haram terrorist group kidnapped at least 400 people from multiple IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps in the northern state of Borno. On Thursday, March 7, unidentified armed herders attacked a school in Kuriga, Kaduna State, kidnapping at least 287 students and...
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How Bolin used a Chinese police interrogation to share the gospel

In China, Bolin was arrested for having Christian materials in his home. He took it as an opportunity to share the gospel. When Bolin* heard the doorbell ring, he was in the middle of leading training online for Christians. In China, this is a risky decision. He was about to learn exactly how risky. At the door were six police officers. They had a search warrant, allowing them to...
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In North Korea, Ji Ho counts the cost of following Jesus every day

North Korea is the hardest place to follow Jesus. Ji Ho's story explains exactly why. Ji Ho* vividly remembers the moment she saw her father for the last time. North Korean security agents had ransacked their house. They didn’t find what they were looking for in the house – but they did discover something by digging deep in the garden. “They found the book, wrapped in plastic,” she...
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Behind a Media Wall of Silence

Three Christians in India, Pakistan, and Somalia share challenges of navigating their faith Ideally, the media would give suitable attention to human rights crises, no matter what religions were involved. In reality, though, persecuted Christians can encounter what might seem like a towering wall of silence from mainstream Western media. Many of these Christians — who come from...
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Persecution is growing – but so is the church

The release of the latest World Watch List brings a familiar story – persecution is getting worse. What are the key trends contributing to this? And what’s the good news? One in seven Christians worldwide face high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith – that’s 365 million of our brothers and sisters. The statistic comes from the latest World Watch List, an annual...
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Death threats don’t deter Saleh in Yemen

Saleh has a courageous ministry in Yemen, one of the hardest places in the world to follow Jesus. It’s not often that we can hear stories from Yemeni believers – but today you can meet a bold and faithful believer who spreads the gospel in the face of extreme opposition. Saleh has faced arrest and death threats for following Jesus in Yemen, but remains faithful Sometimes the death...
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Nearly 200 Nigerians Killed in Christmas Eve Massacre

Suspected Nigerian Fulani militias attacked 21 Christian villages in the Bokkos,  Barkin Ladi, and Mangu counties of Plateau State on Christmas Eve, killing nearly 200 villagers according to government officials and humanitarian groups. The number of dead is expected to rise as families continue to search for missing loved ones. On Thursday, Plateau State Commissioner of...
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Bangladesh: ex-imam is rejected and isolated in his own village

Rahman and his family were once well-respected Muslims in their community – but since Rahman became a Christian, he’s lost his job and is struggling to provide for his family. Please pray for him and for Open Doors partners who are supporting him. Rahman* (35) in Bangladesh used to be an imam (an Islamic religious teacher) in his local mosque after studying at a madrasa (Islamic...
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Four killed and many injured in bombing of Christian service at Philippines university

A Catholic Mass at a Filipino university was devastatingly disrupted by a bombing, which has killed at least four Christians and injured many others. A bomb attack on a university has killed at least four Christians and injured 45 others. The attack took place on Sunday 3 December at the state-run Mindanao State University (MSU) in Marawi, Southern Philippines. The bombing happened...
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Jihadists on Motorcycles Kidnap 110 in Nigeria

Gunmen abducted more than 100 people from the Mutunji community in Zamfara State in northwest Nigeria this weekend for not paying a tax imposed by the bandits. A leader in the community was also killed, according to locals. The bandit’s leader, Damana, sent a ransom letter to the community demanding 110 million nairas (about $135,000 U.S.). He also threatened to abduct more people if the...
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Secret storytelling helps young converts learn about Jesus

In the Muslim-majority Southern Philippines, Christians can face persecution and opposition. An undercover community of Christians are sharing stories from the Bible to disciple and encourage the next generation of the church. Ten-year-old Wahid* has already learned a powerful truth – words that he can cling to in the difficult times ahead. Where Wahid lives in the Southern Philippines,...
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A Brick Kiln Worker’s Tale of Survival

The sun blazes mercilessly and the air is heavy with dust in rural Pakistan, where a man named Rahim toils his days away. He was a brick kiln worker, a man who had known the taste of labor from the moment he could remember. For generations, his family had toiled under the scorching sun, their lives intertwined with the clay that would become the building blocks of the world. Rahim...
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China sends hundreds of North Korean refugees back to extreme danger

China has sent 600 North Korean refugees back to North Korea, where they are likely to face torture, imprisonment and even death. Hundreds more face the same threat. Timothy Cho – a North Korean escapee and Open Doors spokesperson – is urging Parliament to act in response. China has sent hundreds of North Korean refugees back to North Korea - where they face great danger China has...
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